百年文化传承 传承古工艺尽
Traditional Chinese Wedding Biscuits 传统婚嫁囍饼
Swee Len Food Industries, the renowned name in Batang Kali, Selangor for making local specialty Traditional Chinese Wedding Biscuits, Mua Lao and Lao Huei (Xi Bing 喜饼), which has established since 1923. Our traditionally wedding biscuits have gained the popularity of being deliciously crispy, healthy and nutrient rich, and have been featured in the media in the past years as well.
During Betrothal / Guo Da Li, wedding biscuits such as Sesame and Rice Biscuits is a MUST auspicious gift to be presented to Bride’s family.
As some handmade biscuits, especially this traditional wedding biscuits, are in danger of dying out. Hence, our mission is to get the young generation to aware of these traditional biscuits exist, and keep this cultural treat from their generation to next.
瑞麟饼家在这九十多年来依然坚守这个纯以手工制作的文化,采用传统配料,为新人们制作清脆酥松,营养丰富,入口酥脆焦甜的嫁女饼 – 麻蓼和蓼花。远近驰名尝过者, 无不坚起拇指赞好,至今流传到第三代经营,已有超过90年历史。
走进峇冬加里新村 (Batang Kali),没有城市喧嚣和芜杂,小小的新村一片静谧。从山坡上的福泉庙往下眺望,一排一排的新村屋,有条不紊地依着山坡而建,层次分明。随时代变迁和人口外移,如今村里仅剩约600人,并以福建人居多。其中有一家90余年的瑞麟饼家,专门制作福建人的传统嫁女喜饼 – 麻蓼和蓼花。
Wedding Packages
There are various wedding gift packages available for you to select.
Normal Gifts Packages
Many choices to be choose as gifts to relatives and friends.